I Am A Legendary BOSS

Chapter 212 Unified Counterattack

Chapter 212 Unified Counterattack

The Darkness invasion was relentless.

Of the hundreds of thousands of players, only tens of thousands of them were still fighting the dark creatures. Others were resting and sleeping

The Advanced professionals were exhausted. Their eyes had become red. The three days of continuous fighting had taken a great toll on their bodies.

When William was standing by the city walls, he would close his eyes and fall asleep. That was how intense the battles were.

“D*mn, I need some brain boosters. Otherwise, I may fall asleep and let the dark creatures bite off my head.” Odom violently shook his head.

He had made use of the Marsh Flower and magical stones to upgrade to Advanced. But he was still in a terrible state. His eyes had turned red while his short legs were trembling. It was as though he was drunk.

“We can rest, but our casualties will spike.” Burned Cinder stretched his limbs and yawned.

Xiyan was a Combat Angel. She glanced at the silent Annie and said, “You can have some rest. Annie and I can hold off for a while.”

“What? How can we rest while the princess is holding back the enemy?” Albert immediately declined as he was a macho Moonlight Elf.

William was awakened by their loud chattering. He wiped off his saliva, and reluctantly said, “Cut the crap. Everyone will get a drop of my potion to stay awake!”

Legolas frowned and said, “Only a drop? Is that the Life Potion?”

Legolas took over the potion. When he opened the bottle, the thick essence of life drifted out, and it gave everyone a mental boost.

Legolas immediately covered the potion, and solemnly passed it back to William. “Prince William, this potion is too valuable. We were just joking. We can still endure.”

“Isn’t it too extravagant to use the Life Potion to keep us awake...” Albert also declined. They treated the Life Potion as a treasure that could save William’s life.

“Take the potions first. We’ll have more of them in the future. The retaliation against the dark army is going to start soon.” William gave each of them a drop of the Life Potion. They did not require the potion to recover their Health Points, but the essence of life helped to release their tension.

The effects of Life Potion included prolonging life, recovering Health Points, regenerating broken limbs, and recovering mental strength.

Everyone took a small sip. They would use the potions at a critical moment.

William was not bothered. He still had eight and a half bottles of potions, and each bottle had 300 drops, so he had more than 2,400 drops. The potion had many uses, and they were reserved for the soldiers who were mortally wounded.

The Elves in the previous era were able to fight the Darkness invasion for a thousand years only because of the Life Potions.

But it was a pity.

The World Tree had been destroyed. The source of the Legendary Life Potions was cut off.

The Elven race degenerated while the Humans prospered. And after the Humans allied with the Elves and defeated the dark creatures, they chased the Elves to the forests. Finally, the Humans became the ruler of the third era.

“World Tree...” William gazed into the future and saw a place.

“It’s still too early.” William licked his lips. The World Tree was destroyed. But before its destruction, a World Tree sapling had been sealed.

Interestingly, he knew the location of the World Tree.

In his previous life, all the races of the nine continents fought for the possession of the World Tree sapling. The battle had led to chaos in the world.

Many Legendary warriors and sages participated in the battles...

The Advanced professionals were not even qualified to participate in the battles. Only those who were Epic professionals were qualified to fight.

William mischievously laughed and rubbed his palms. “In this life, it will be mine!”

“But it’s not the time to think about the World Tree. The more important thing is to stop the Darkness invasion.” William was holding a magic transmission scroll. He was waiting for the last moment. He was waiting for the retaliation.

Alec was the Minister of Intelligence for the City of Dawn. He was in command of thousands of assassins, many of whom were the chosen ones.

But the Advanced Alec was not in battle.

He headed to the east and handed the Life Potion to the Fearless Legion commander, Christian. The Fortress of the City of Dawn did not encounter intense attacks from the dark creatures. However, Christian still did not get any time to rest.

After Alec finished his task, he continued traveling to the east. He arrived at Altaic’s Heavy Spear tribe.

Altaic led his tribe to fight against the dark creatures. As he had not made many preparations, his tribe suffered massive casualties. 80,000 Orcs fought in the battles, and even though the fighting was not intense, they had suffered 10,000 casualties.

Due to the high number of casualties, voices of dissent had started to appear, asking for defection to the dark creatures.

Due to the resistance of the Advanced Altaic and Arles, in addition to the objection of hundreds of pale Orcs, the other Orcs did not defect to the dark army.

But if the casualties were to rapidly increase in the war,

A few timid Orcs would choose to betray their tribe...

“Human, stay forth.” A group of Orcs was patrolling at the cliff edge to deter the dark creatures from climbing up when they saw a Human casually walking towards them.

His armor insignia indicated that he was from the City of Dawn.

The Orc patrol team did not dare to be reckless. The Orcs had stopped fighting the City of Dawn. It was not the time to declare war.

Alec stopped in his tracks. He saw countless Orcs defending the cliff edges and said in a low voice, “Tell Altaic, Lord William has sent me to have a discussion with him.”

“Lord William?” The Orc patrol team was shocked. Lord William was famous, and they trembled at his name.

The Orcs were fearful of William because of his Dragon Slayer title.

And even though Lord William was their opponent, the Orcs treated the powerful William with respect.

An Orc patrol leader pondered before he said, “You’ll wait here while I inform Chief Altaic.”

Alec nodded and gestured for the Orc to make haste.

It only took a short while, and the tall and muscular Altaic, who was stained with fresh green blood, appeared in front of him. He dismissed the other Orcs and gave Alec a deep look. He said, “Help me convey my gratitude to Lord William for giving me the two Marsh Flowers. What can I do for you today?”

“Chief Altaic is being polite. Are you interested in a counterattack against the dark creatures?” Alec smiled.

“What benefits do we have?” Altaic frankly asked.

Altaic understood that William had given him the two Marsh Flowers because he wanted both of the brothers to become stronger.

He also figured out that the power of the City of Dawn was far superior to the Heavy Spear tribe.

But Altaic did not understand why Lord William did that?

Were they not enemies?

Did Lord William believe that both of them would yield to him just because of two Marsh Flowers?

How could it be?

With the pride of a pale Orc and a descendant of a Legendary warrior, he would not yield to anyone.

“Benefits?” Alec laughed and said, “The benefits are the corpses of the dark creatures and the survival of your tribe. And you won’t be a dog of the dark creatures.”

“Why are you saying that we will become dogs of the dark creatures?” Altaic roared as he glared at Alec. The sword in Altaic’s hand illuminated with golden light.

“Don’t be mad. We’re both Advanced warriors. If I can’t defeat you, do you have the ability to capture me?” Alec continued. “Lord William had predicted the Darkness invasion. That was the reason why he gave you the Marsh Flowers.

“But more importantly, Lord William admired your capabilities.

“Otherwise, if the City of Dawn forms an alliance with the Seraphkin, it will be easy to wipe out your tribe.”

Alec noticed Altaic had taken a step forward as if he was about to fight. Alec quickly waved and said, “Let me be honest with you. Lord William admires you, so he gave you the chance to become an Advanced warrior.

“It’s rare for the Dragon Slayer Blackleaf Prince William to admire a warrior.

“He has high expectations of you, so he decided to ally with you. As for others?

“They are not qualified!”

Altaic was pleased when he heard the words. Yes, Lord William and Altaic were chiefs of the same caliber.

Altaic was a powerful warrior who was on the same level as a Dragon Slayer...

And Lord William was a prince of the Blackleaf clan...

What was happening? Why was Altaic so happy when he was highly regarded by Lord William?

Altaic bit his tongue and said, “We can counterattack, but will only the Heavy Spear tribe and the City of Dawn take part?”

Alec noticed that Altaic had forgotten about the benefits. He laughed and explained. “Don’t worry. The Black Lava Dukedom, the Seraphkin and the Dragon’s clansmen, all will attack at the same time.”

“Keep this magic scroll. When it’s dark, and you see light shining, that’s the time for the counterattack.” When he was finished, Alec waved and then stepped into the shadows.

Altaic kept the scroll in a daze.

“Counterattack? It’s a good idea. Otherwise, the Orcs will have the time to think of defecting.”

“MD, I don’t want to be a dog and defect to the dark army.” Altaic clenched his fists tightly.

Where was Alec’s next destination?

He was going to visit the previous Dragon’s clansmen who had now become part of the Flaming Tribe.

It would not be easy for him to negotiate with them.

It was because the Flaming Tribe had too many races, and all the chiefs fought against each other. If they were not wary of the expanding power of the Heavy Spear tribe, the different races would have splintered off.

Moreover, there was a greater threat of the Darkness invasion.

The Flaming Tribe had the highest chance of defecting to the dark army.

In any case, Alec had to make the trip.

Because, Darkness was insidious, and the City of Dawn was the only hope.

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