Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 192: Be Prepared

Chapter 192: Be Prepared


She sank into his chest, her ear against his ribs, as he spoke and he found he gained as much comfort as he wanted to give.

"If the people determine that I am a traitor," he said quietly, slowly, "judgement will be called. Likely by Brant, though it\'s possible for the unseating of the Dominant, they\'ll bring the other Tribal leaders up as well, to represent their people. They will surround me, and bring guards, because they will want to ensure I don\'t hurt anyone else."

Her arms tightened around him and he cleared his throat. "Then they\'ll pronounce judgment and the people will call for death. And they will… overwhelm me."


He took a deep breath. "They will take me in whatever manner is necessary to achieve death. But I will not fight them, Elia, so it will be quick."

He waited to see if she would argue again, but although her breathing got faster—in fear, and anger—she didn\'t speak. So he continued.

"You must be gone before that happens, Love. The cub… Elreth… you must protect her. And your own… everything you feel, she will feel. To watch that would be… you must avoid it."

"I won\'t want to leave you," she said in a tiny voice.

"I know. And I love you for it, but we must both think about our child now," he murmured, stroking her hair. "When the judgement is called for the first time, the brotherhood will come to you."

"The what?" she pushed up to meet his eyes, but still leaned into him. "Who\'s that?"

"Behryn is my second, so he will lead it. The men who came for me after our mating, do you remember?"

"Yes, I think so."

"They are my dearest friends, Love. We have exchanged vows. All of us… we will protect and provide for each other\'s mates and offspring, if they exist, in the event of… tragedy. It has nothing to do with Tribal leadership or power. These men simply care about me, and I about them. We are bloodsworn to help each other. They will help you, even at risk to themselves. If any of them approaches you listen, and you follow, do you understand?"

She nodded, biting her lip. Reth breathed easier.

"But, one thing I would ask you to do, Elia. When they come for you—before I am finished, remember—take Gahrye with you."

Elia blinked. "Gahrye? Not Aymora?"

"Aymora will be needed here. Gahrye is already looked upon with suspicion here. If you are removed and I am dead, he will not survive the resulting political pressures. Besides, he seems uniquely equipped. You will need him to advise you. And it will be an easier transition for him, anyway."

"Transition to what?"

Reth swallowed. "Living in the human world."

Her head jerked back. "WHAT?"

"If I\'m killed, Elia, you need to go back. You must stay alive for our cub, then return to Anima when she is strong enough. You bear the King\'s child. You must establish her in her rightful position."

"What? WHAT?"

"Having a royal child—even the child of a traitor, if it is of the royal line—will make her an Heir, and you the rightful Queen Consort… or something. Honestly, I\'m not sure I remember the correct term. But it is in the traditions. Behryn will ensure everyone is reminded. And even if the wolves have taken control, they will be unable to touch you—especially if the new Dominant has not had offspring."

"Wait," she pushed out of his arms completely and sat back to gape at him. "Back the hell up, Reth. Go back to the human world? You said I can\'t. You said it was impossible. You said it will make me insane, or kill me."

Reth swallowed. "Our histories note only a dozen times that humans have found or entered Anima, either through the Rite, or other means, then chosen to return to their own world. In every instance, bar one, those humans either returned to Anima with their minds… broken, or they were later discovered to have died within a year of returning. It is why we now only bring humans to Anima for a Rite that requires it. There was a time when humans were part of our mating pool… but when some returned and were harmed, we stopped.

"When you got here and things were so difficult, I spent some time with Brant and Aymora. They are the keepers of the histories. If things go well today, you should speak with them of this. It\'s something I planned to raise with you soon, just in case."

"In case of what?"

"In case you got pregnant."


"Because… there is also a small history of human women dying in childbirth when attempting to deliver Anima babies," he said, staring at her, his forehead wrinkled. "I had a… sense that we might be successful and… I wanted to know what the risks were."

"Why didn\'t you tell me?"

"I planned to! You may have noticed things have been a little busy and… complicated, lately. But you\'re right. You must be prepared. So, whether we are here together, no matter what state we are in tomorrow… know this Elia: When humans return to their world from ours they seem to lose the will to live. They go back and seem to… die inside first—then either lose their minds, or simply curl up and die. And we don\'t know why."

"And this is where you think I should go to be safe? To keep our child safe?" she cried.

"No. But it is definitely safer than here if Lucine is Queen and I am gone."

"But… if you\'re gone, isn\'t she done being Queen?"

"Not until another Dominant takes control. And if that male isn\'t mated, he may choose to mate her, anyway, with me gone. The royal lines are often sustained in that way. Look, if I am killed by judgement of the people and Lucine is installed as Queen in the same day, there will be massive upheaval in Anima. Massive. It could take months—even years—before things are settled down and we are certain who is in control. In the meantime, given her strength, the people will look to her.

"So, if there is so much as a hint of this occurring, you take Gahrye, and you flee. He knows the portal, I made sure he was aware. He can help you—and I imagine, you could help him over there. He can pass back and forth to find out when it\'s safe to bring our child back."

Elia raked her hand through her hair, white lines around her mouth. "You\'re talking about this like it\'s already settled. Like it\'s going to happen."

He shook his head. "No, I\'m talking about this in case it happens. You asked me what we would do. This is what we\'ll do."

He leaned forward then to get in her space, made sure his eyes flashed with his Lion. "the histories are very clear: There is only human that we know for certain ever left Anima for the human world, and returned later, still sane and safe. It was a male, and he was gone for less than a year. You must promise me, Elia: If this occurs, if you must flee to save our child, you will not allow yourself to be broken by this. You will return to your home and you will have our child safely, and when Anima has settled to peace again, you will bring her back to her true home. Promise me."

She put a hand to his face, her eyes so sad. "I promise," she breathed.

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