Predatory Marriage

Chapter 247 - Count Weddletons Mansion (5)

Chapter 247 - Count Weddleton\'s Mansion (5)

Predatory Marriage — Chapter 247. Count Weddleton’s Mansion (5)

Translator: Atlas / Editor: Regan


Count Weddleton wiped a cold sweat from his brow. He had spent quite some time with Blain in the wine cellar, tasting the best of his wines, and had finally persuaded the king to go to one of the guest rooms, where a prost!tute was waiting who bore a strong resemblance to Princess Leah.

It was fortunate he had found her, otherwise he would still be stuck in the wine cellar with Blain, sweating.

Clutching another bottle of wine, the Count returned to the drawing room to drink a few glasses. It seemed insane to think about sacrificing the Tomaris. Count Weddleton couldn’t understand what either Cerdina or his grandson was thinking.

In spite of their blood tie, it had always been difficult for him to handle Blain. If he was honest, he was afraid of the boy. It was probably because of his mixed Toma blood. Both Cerdina and Blain were so cruel, it was hard to believe there was any Weddleton blood in them at all.

Count Weddleton did not have the courage to confront them. If there hadn’t been any benefit in it, he would have broken off relations with them completely.

Rising at last to leave, he recoiled in fright.


The count blinked and rubbed his eyes, feeling as if he were seeing a ghost. Before him sat Princess Leah on the sofa, gracefully upright with her back perfectly straight.

It was not a mistake. That was really her.

Even more shocking, the princess was not alone. Next to her was a tall man with his arms stretched over the back of the sofa, and his golden eyes fixed on the count.

The king of the barbarians.

Count Weddleton had never been so close to this famous man. The King had seemed fierce even when seen from a distance, and up close it was hard to meet his eyes. Seated comfortably beside the princess, he made the sofa seem small. A single motion of his arms could end Count Weddleton’s life.


The Count wanted to faint. Alone among the nobility of Estia and everyone in the palace, Count Weddleton still had all his memories. Of course, he knew about the princess’s relationship with the barbarians.

He had no idea how much the princess herself remembered, but he was certain of one thing. At one word from Princess Leah, the barbarian could break his body in an instant.

“It is an honor, why would the Princess visit me at this time of night…” The Count began with a bitter smile.

“Count Weddleton,” the princess interrupted. Her expression was cold. “You’re the only one still free. It must have been fun.”

Her words made his heart freeze. Count Weddleton rubbed suddenly sweaty palms against his pants. He tried to buy time by pretending ignorance.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Her eyes narrowed. She was behaving differently than she had been. Her purple eyes, which had been lifeless for the last few months, were glittering icily.

“Don’t talk nonsense,” she said, and went immediately to the subject that he wanted most to ignore. “The only person valuable to the Queen mother is her son.”

She paused, to let this sink in.

“You are someone expendable in case something goes wrong.” Rising from the sofa, she continued. “You must be aware of the Toma obsession with bloodlines. Would a person who had already abandoned others of his blood not abandon his father, who is not Tomari at all?”

There was no point in trying to argue. Leah advanced on the Count, who looked as if he had been struck dumb.

“Why does Her Majesty demand the hearts of Tomaris? It is proof that her power has weakened.”

The Princess stopped directly before him and leaned closer.

“I have regained my memories,” she said. “I broke the spell I was under. It’s only a matter of time before everyone else does the same.”


“The Queen Mother is in a dangerous position. She might do anything, if she is backed into a corner.”

Count Weddleton shuddered. Blain had eaten the heart of the former king to complete a spell. Cerdina would rip out Count Weddleton’s heart without hesitation if she thought it necessary, and it wouldn’t matter that they were related.

“What do you want?” He asked, defeated.

“I want you to testify that the Queen Mother is a Tomaris.”

“And what will I get in return, Princess?”

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