The Sage of Einar

Chapter 226 - An Investigation In Constantinople

On a ship, Duke Gautier was drinking some beer while looking in the distance at the beautiful and fantastic walls of Constantinople.

"It\'s a beautiful city, don\'t you think Guido?"

Guido, who was cleaning his sword, could only nod "It brings back many memories of when we came to visit her with Emperor Charlemagne.

But since we are about to arrive, what will we do first, investigate on our own or inform the Basil? "

Gautier stroked her chin "We should settle down low and do all we can into this week.

When we have something solid or for some reason the line of investigation is lost, we will have to inform Basil to request his help.

Either way, we have a week to work and enough silver and gold to even find out what Kassia\'s last meal was.

The only thing we have to bear in mind is that perhaps the truth we discover may be something horrible, for it has been too long since Empress Irene was deposed by Basil. "

Guido just sighed and looked at the beautiful city in front of them "If that\'s the case, I think with some money I can contact some old acquaintances.

They should be the best to discover the truth. Whether we find bones or Kassia, we have to return it to Adelaide. "

Gautier nodded and started walking towards the crew "I want all of you to prepare to dock in the port of Theodosius.

Because it is the largest port in Constantinople, we will have to find a good place to dock the ship.

So you must be completely attentive to what happens during the arrival at the port because I do not want to have to pay if you cause an accident. "

After saying those words, the crew of the ship began to run towards their posts because they did not want to suffer the consequences of the duke\'s threat.

After a few minutes, the ship successfully docked at one of the docks in the port. When they came to a complete stop, a man accompanied by two soldiers approached their ship.

"You are docking in a port in the capital of the Roman Empire, state the reason for your visit."

Gautier, listening to the man, made his crew place a wooden board so that he could go down and give his reason.

When the port manager saw Gautier go down, he realized that from the clothes and the standard carried by a member of the crew; the ship belonged to a nobleman.

"My name is Gautier and I am a Duke of the Franc empire. I come with the intention of buying merchandise and spending a few weeks enjoying the pleasures that Constantinople has to offer."

The port manager laughed "I can recommend you visit the brothels near the Hippodrome, the women are always of quality and even virgins.

Although if you prefer you can also find more specific material near the port of Sofia, but I think it shouldn\'t take more of your time.

For the toll of entering the city and taking care of the ship during its stay would be 3 gold coins. "

Gautier nodded and with a signal of his hand he indicated to Guido that he will pay. Guido, following the orders of the duke, took out a leather bag from which he took three gold coins.

The person in charge, upon receiving the coins, gave Guido a scroll, which was the proof of his payment and of his entry into the city.

"I hope you can enjoy the city, duke. If you want, you can come to see me, I will show you where you can buy what you want."

Gautier smiled and started to walk "You can count on it in charge but I think for the moment I will just enjoy my stay."

When they left the docks, they began to walk towards a gate in the wall of Constantinople called the Jewish gate.

It was called by that name because it was a meeting point for Jewish merchants, but the main reason why they decided to enter through that place was due to Guido.

Because near the door was the barracks of some people who would help them find Kassia.

After passing through the beautiful and imposing gate in the wall of Constantinople, they walked through the streets completely crowded with people, animals, and slaves.

The great diversity of people of different ethnicities and colors, Gautier was quite surprised because it was the first time he had seen something like that.

Guido, seeing Gautier\'s face, only laughed "The first time I saw the city I also acted like you, even Rome is not as crowded as Constantinople.

But that has its disadvantages because finding a person is more expensive and complicated, but for our fortune the Emperor Charlemagne found the right people\'s long time ago. "

After walking for a while, they entered a small alley in which there were a few doors, which seemed to be entrances to buildings.

When he saw the alley, Gautier prepared his sword because he did not know what kind of things could happen in that place. Guido, seeing Gauiter with fear, only made a sign with his hand to not do anything.

After this Guido began to walk to the first door, where he knocked on the door three times. At that moment, he only waits a few seconds before two bells will be heard from the door.

Guido in silence walked towards the second door, where he knocked only twice. At that moment, the door to the end of the alley opened, and a child came out.

When he saw the boy, Guido smiled and crouched down to be able to talk to him in a better way.

When the boy arrived in front of Guido, he stopped. "I am looking for an important person, so I need everyone to do it. I am willing to pay 10 gold coins for the job."

When the child finished listening, he turned around and went back into the door where he had come out. When the door closed, a door in the alley opened.

Seeing the open door, he signaled to Gautier and the guards to accompany him.

Once they entered the building, they walked through a candle-lit corridor, which led them to a door which only had a cloth for protection.

When Guido opened the curtain to pass, he could see a woman with a shapely body and very beautiful wheat-colored skin.

She also had quite suggestive clothes, although she kept her face covered by a veil. Around her were some guards with heavy armor.

"Bennu, what an allergy to be able to see that you have grown to be able to look like your mother."

When the woman listened to the man, she realized that he was an important person, but for some reason she could not recognize him.

Guido, noticing the silence, could only scratch his cheek, "I am Guido, the praetorian guard of his majesty, the Emperor Charlemagne. I met your mother about 20 years ago.

At that time, you were just a girl. I think that\'s why you can\'t recognize me. "

Bennu signaled to one of the guards to bring some hashish because if the man had met his mother, he needed special treatment.

Guido, seeing this, indicated with his hand to Duke Gauiter to take a seat on one of the cushions on the carpet.

The guards, for their part, only stayed at the door as Gautier indicated that they should not enter.

When the two men sat down, a completely naked woman came in carrying with her three pipes, a candle, and some blocks of what appeared to be brown.

Gautier did not know why the woman was naked, but he did not bother to ask because it must be some cultural thing that he did not understand.

The naked woman placed the pipes, candle and blocks in front of the three of them before turning back the way she had come.

"Since you met my mother, I hope you like this show of hospitality from me."

Guido smiled and agreed "It is a pleasure to be able to taste the hashish that you produce, it is a luxury that not many can enjoy."

After this Guido gave Gautier a small blow on the shoulder to make him do the same as him.

To begin, Guido took some hashish from one of the blocks and placed it inside the pipe before using the candle to light the contents.

After inhaling some smoke, Guido opened his eyes as he already missed the sensation of hashish, for his part Gautier who was doing the same only endured the smoke for a few seconds before starting to cough.

Bennu, seeing Gautier\'s state, just laughed and removing the veil that covered her face. She took her pipe and placed hashish on it. After lighting the content, she began to smoke elegantly.

"From what I could hear, you are looking for someone important. Tell me who is it?"

Guido, who was enjoying the ethereal sensation, tried to get serious "I\'m looking for the daughter of Emperor Charlemagne and Empress Irene."

Bennu, upon hearing Guido\'s words, stopped and looked with a curious look at the two men in front of her.

"So they are looking for Kassia of Thrace, a woman who one day simply disappeared, what an interesting quest you want me to solve."

Guido, upon hearing Bennu\'s words, took out a bag of gold coins which he placed in front of the woman.

"There are 10 gold coins and 5 silver coins in this leather bag. It should be more than enough to know where Kassia is."

Bennu looked at the bag and using her hand took out a gold coin, which she looked at with interest before returning it to its place.

"In a few days you will have the answer to your search, but for now I would like to ask if the two of you have somewhere to rest."

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