The Sage of Einar

Chapter 293 - One Constitution To Rule Them All

Einar, who was working on the constitution, set out to create the last paragraphs that will comprise it.

In the last paragraph, equality was demarcated before all citizens, including the imperial family.

They are all equal before the law, so if a member of the imperial family commits a crime, they must be tried in a court of the imperial family.

Where a conviction will be guaranteed based on the charge committed, also to avoid abuses, the court of the imperial family will be selected under the ruling of democracy.

To a judge of the civil sphere to supervise the competent execution of the laws, because not because they were members of the imperial family, they should be above the law.

Since as a ruling family they must always maintain a competent attitude in all areas for what if they steal or abuse their power, they will be judged.

Of course, although Einar guaranteed that his family could be tried, he also created a mechanism to prevent a coup or change of government.

They could decree the imperial family as illegal, because as a ruling family and patriotic symbol, they were the symbols of the homeland.

After working hours, he just finished writing and proudly looked at the constitution as he prepared to review the contents.

\'Article 1: Every Nordic citizen will have the protection of this constitution, so it cannot be suspended or inhibited, unless the citizen has committed a violation of the constitutional laws.


In that case, the citizen will have to receive the inhibition of his rights by a judge.


Article 2: Slavery is only allowed as a means to enter the country, but any child or child of slaves will enjoy freedom as citizens immediately.


Minors are those under 18 years of age.


Slaves can earn their freedom in the following ways:


-An exam on the Nordic nation


-In case of taking the exam, the slave will receive a free course to learn about the knowledge that he lacked.


-If you fail again, you will have to do a psychological examination to ensure that the person does not suffer from any disease.


-In case of having any illness, citizenship will be given without delay and will receive medical attention in government institutions so that they can return to society.


Complete a 2-year military service, where they will get their freedom.


An outstanding action or knowledge about some work.


Having worked for 5 years as a slave.


Article 3: All children have the right and obligation to enter school, the government has the obligation to guarantee a good and free education.


-Education will be secular and free from the influence of any religion


-In case there are not enough teachers or schools, the government has the obligation to build educational institutions and train teachers.


-Education is compulsory until university and they will have a sabbatical year when they turn 16 as they will enter the army as their compulsory military service.


Article 4: The family is sacred, so each citizen must take care of their children regardless of the status of the sentimental partner they have.


-A father and mother must give alimony to the boys and girls who are living with one parent.


-Any abandonment of a minor will be punishable by jail unless the minor is delivered to an orphanage.


Article 5: Men and women are equal before the law and will enjoy the same rights and obligations.


Article 6: No citizen may be prohibited from exercising a profession for religious reasons or of any kind, unless the citizen has breached the oath of their profession or has breached the laws.


Article 7: Each criminal defendant will have a public lawyer to represent him in the trial.


Article 8: Executing sentences depends only on the judiciary and catching violators of the law depends only on the civil police or military police.


Article 9: Severe penalties against any person, such as whipping or mutilation, are prohibited.


Defendants may be forced to work in mines or constructions, always ensuring that they have food and a place to sleep.


They will have the right to meet their families once a month in a place designated by the nation.


Article 10: No one can be tried twice for the same crime.


Article 11: Citizens can ask the government for improvements to their colonies, villages or provinces.


These shall be for the public welfare of the nation.


Article 12: Two official religions are recognized, the Nordic religion and the Nordic Christian religion. It will be allowed to process any other religion following the principle of mutual respect.


So any unofficial religion will have to be done inside the home or allowed places such as temples, mosques, churches, etc.


Any public act will be sanctioned, and proselytism will be punished.


Article 13: Any business or home owner may have a registered weapon in their home to safeguard their assets and their families.


The registration will be delivered by the Nordic army and the weapon may only be used inside the home.


To carry any weapon, you will have to obtain a special permit that justifies the need to carry weapons.


For the guilds, permits can be issued without inconvenience, depending on what each guild is dedicated to.


Article 14: Artisans and artists will have the right to join in groups to seek better conditions.


These unions will have to be approved by the nation and monopolies will be prohibited at the costs of the activity carried out.


In case of detecting a monopoly, the army will be in charge of dissolving the unions that affect the economy, the members will be punished.


If they rebel, they will be treated as traitors to the country for which they will have to suffer a supreme penalty that can be perpetual slavery or the death penalty.


Article 15: Citizens can request permission to go to overseas provinces but because of the security of the nation.


They will only be able to return once and cannot leave again, because national security is more important than individual guarantees.


However, it is guaranteed that each individual will be able to travel freely between overseas provinces in the same region.


Article 16: The Nordic constitutional empire is made up of provinces that have the same rights and obligations.


Under no circumstances is the secession or independence of any province allowed, in case of encountering rebels.


These will be sent to the interior of Iceland, where they will spend their entire lives in a cold prison where they will only be able to work.


Article 17: Military service is compulsory for 16-year-old girls and boys and lasts for 1 year.


As part of the military service, the young men will be sent to a designated place to learn everything they owe about the army.


At the end of their service, they will begin a university education, which can be military or civilian.


Article 18: Nobility titles can be used in official documents, but it does not matter if it is a Jarl or a baron, no one is above anyone.


The only exception to the rule is the emperor, who has constitutional jurisdiction, which can be revoked by the council of the imperial family in case of the emperor.


Commit acts against humanity and its people, such as ordering genocide or fratricide, you may also lose jurisdiction when you commit acts against the common order.


Such as rape, robbery, murder or treason.


Article 20: All citizens will enjoy the principle of private property. No one can take away private property unless it is the order of a judge and has a valid reason. \'

Einar, who had read the first articles of the constitution stretched his hands and looked proudly at the book that was over 500 pages long.

"This constitution will be the future pillar of the nation, although it may have errors I believe that motivating children to study law should create the first lawyers and judges.

If there is anyone who can find errors, it will be them. I have many years to make revisions to the constitution.

At the moment I will only publish it for study in school by the children, I want them to learn law now that they are children.

I am sure that in the future I will not lack judges and lawyers. I think it would be a good option ... "

Einar interrupted his little monologue when he turned his head and he could see Laisa standing in the doorway, laughing.

"I came in a few minutes ago, but I didn\'t mean to bother you. But I have to admit you sounded like one of those generic villains.

From the stories you tell us at night. "

Einar scratched his head and smirked casually. "I was too excited that I ended up thinking out loud, but what do you think about what I said about the lawyers and judges."

Laisa walked to Einar and sat on his lap "I don\'t understand very well about lawyers, but I do know that judges should be people who are in charge of practicing the law.

I think in some of your stories you told us about that, but I really don\'t remember very well.

The only thing I do know is that many children will look at you with some hatred because you are going to make them read that great book you wrote. "

Einar looked at his wife with a smile and couldn\'t contain his laughter "Hahaha, many people are going to hate me in the present and the future.

Especially engineering students and chemists, but also many people will thank me for the things that I am doing.

Especially every boy and girl born in the Nordic nation, since all of them will have their rights guaranteed from birth.

Nobody at this age will have as many rights as they. It will only be enough that they see the kingdoms of the European continent to see the cruelty of the nobility and the church.

Having to pay taxes to a noble is already painful, but having to tithe to the church, because it does the institution of God, requires it.

It is outrageous and that only for free people, in the case of serfs they are only slaves who live in poverty.

Believe me, that if I really wanted to, I could bring a genuine change to this era but open the Pandora\'s box of the ideologies of the 20th century.

It is something that I am not willing to do, because once I show them, no one will stop them because you can kill the man, but not the idea. "

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