Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 152 - Queen Of His Heart

This Chapter is dedicated to reader, Khimbrlhe, who gave me the character name "Landon" as an idea. Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy how I used it!



That afternoon, while Elreth tried to sleep off the last of her hangover, Aaryn slipped through the forest and into town looking for his friend, Lhandyn. The tall Avaline with the sleek good looks had several different caves that he worked in, depending which material he was using, or where the light was best for the season. It had been long enough since Aaryn had to seek him out at work, that he couldn\'t remember which was the right one.

It took a good hour to locate his friend, but as usual, he knew when he\'d found the right cave because the air echoed with thuds and ringing blows, along with a deep, resonant baritone voice, singing at the top of its lungs.

Grinning about the song that his friend had chosen—and created some decidedly naughty lyrics for—Aaryn stepped inside and the singing stopped. The smell of leather and hay filled the cave, almost hiding the natural scent of damp and dirt. A fire burned merrily off to his friend\'s left, the smoke drifting slowly up a natural chimney in the rock face.

When Lhandyn looked over his shoulder and saw Aaryn\'s face, he smiled, then went back to his work as he spoke.

"If it isn\'t the Queen Taker, descended from on high to speak with us mere mortals," the male teased. He was hunched over a natural bench in the rock at the side of the cave, his tools spread alongside, while he worked and pounded a thick piece of armor leather into shape over an anvil.

Aaryn snorted, and joined him, watching his friend work with skill and precision, using first water to mold the thick leather into the shape he wanted, then heat to dry it, stiffening it into what appeared to be one of the thick belts some of the soldiers used to protect their soft bellies.

Aaryn preferred to enter combat unhindered, but some of the guards and soldiers still liked to wear the leather armor for exercises, just in case.

The War of the Wolves was still in living memory, and no one who had been an adult at the time could consider combat without thinking of it.

"That\'s a beautiful piece," Aaryn said, looking at the cuffs and breastplate that had already been completed and laid carefully aside. "Who\'s it for?"

"Just one of the guards," Lhandyn replied, measuring the piece over his anvil. "Was there something you needed or are you just trying to stay away from your mate long enough that she won\'t realize you still pee yourself every time she comes home?"

Aaryn snorted. "At least I didn\'t demonstrate my worthiness by pitching a tent in front of her mother—"

"That was ten years ago. And she hardly noticed."

"I know. I\'m so sorry you\'re so easily overlooked. But they say it\'s not the size that matters—"

Lhandyn laughed, then nudged Aaryn with his elbow and went back to his work. "You\'re distracting me, brother. What\'s going on? Why are you here today?"

Aaryn grinned. "I\'m wondering if you have time to make something for me. It isn\'t big. But I need it within 2 days."

Lhandyn raised his eyebrows. "A special order?"

"Very special."

"What is it?"

Aaryn looked at the cuffs laying on the rock and smiled. "A pair of wrist cuffs. But more decorative than functional. And I need you to show me how to etch them."

"Oh? Wrist cuffs for a certain Queen?"

"One each, actually. One for me, one for her."

Lhandyn looked up from his work, curious. "Decorative, you say?"

"Yeah," Aaryn scratched the back of his neck. "It\'s kind of a human thing, but I wanted to give her something for the wedding. Something she can wear all the time without it getting in the way when she fights or trains. Something that will last."

"Have you chosen the leather?"

He shook his head. "I was hoping you\'d know what would be best—especially needing it to last like that. But still be wearable all the time."

They went back and forth, then Lhandyn showed him several samples. In the end Aaryn selected a deep brown for El, and black for himself.

"Come back tomorrow after dinner," Lhandyn said with a wink. "I\'ll have them ready by then. And I\'ll give you a tool that will allow you to etch on the surface."

"Thank you." He squeezed the male\'s shoulder. "You know, I\'m happy to come earlier to help you work, or to clean so—"

But his friend waved him off. "Consider it a mating gift. I\'m happy for you, friend. When the Creator chooses for you, you know it\'s the right match."

Aaryn\'s chest swelled with pride, but he just nodded. "Thank you."

They caught up a little further, but Lhandyn needed to work, and Aaryn wanted to get back to the cave, so they said their farewells. But before he turned away, Aaryn met the male\'s eyes. "Is this the only commission you have right now?" he asked quietly,

Lhandyn was the best leatherworker in the Tree City, but because he was disformed, many of the tribes used others. And Lhandyn hadn\'t yet been invited into the Master\'s Guild. He could still command a high price for his wares, but he should have been run off his feet. Instead, he barely made enough to keep himself in food and clothing.

The bird made a grim smile. "No, I do have another, but nothing on the horizon after that."

Aaryn shook his head. "You heard about the meeting with the Queen the other night?"

Lhandyn nodded. "I did. And I look forward to seeing what comes of it."

"What will come of it is disformed like you finally achieving the recognition you should already have."

Lhandyn shrugged. "I don\'t really care about recognition, honestly. As long as I have enough business I don\'t have to beg from my Tribe, I\'m happy."

"Good thing the Queen and I care about that recognition for you, then," Aaryn said. "I will see you tomorrow, friend."

"See you then."

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