My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!

Chapter 97 - 97: Greed And Ambition(6)

"Leona, stop..." Kyrana murmured to princess Leona who was ready to walk away from that lake.

Leona did as little Kyrana shouted to her turning back with the glare on her face gazing at the black-haired princess.

"What did you just call me??"

"We have to save the southern empire..."

"Are you out of your mind??" seeing Kyrana breaking out of her character like that, doing something and saying things silly like that. Leona couldn\'t help but wonder if that was really the real Kyrana.

Leona glanced at the unconscious princess whose head was laying on Kyrana\'s chest was breathing fine. She was a little bit shocked by that sightseeing how Kyrana held princess Athena gently like that.

"You put her to sleep? You\'ve grown soft, Kyrana...I was hoping you would be the monster until the day you die."

"We need to stop the war from breaking out or else...all of our siblings will die."

"All of our siblings??? Kyrana...I just want to strangle you right now hearing such ridiculous things and it came out from you of all people."

Kyrana gulped avoiding Leona who was shivering and sobbing standing in front of her. The beautiful lake on the surface was a peaceful place, but this lake was the place prince Adira and princess Kyrana threw all the corpses they killed inside the lake drowning them making sure they die.

"I only have my little brother...don\'t get me involved...if war breaks out, I\'ll leave. If it\'s peace, I\'ll just lay low...since standing out already killed my little sister once before...remember??"

"...she was in our way--"


Kyrana felt the pain on her cheek rushing down to her spine, she brushed her hand on the red cheek looking at Leona whose hand was shaking before hitting her again, Leona bit her lip controlling herself.

"If you didn\'t ask Adira to forgive my little brother, I would kill you already!!!!! It\'s all your fault my little sister died!!!!!! It\'s your fault!!!!"

"Then Leona, do you want that to happen again?? Right now, I\'m lending you a you think you would escape this empire guarded by all the dragons?? And if you stay low, do you really think my brother won\'t touch you and your sister???"

"I don\'t need your help!!!! I\'ll protect my little brother by myself and not just her, all of my little siblings since I\'m not selfish like you."

"Me??? Selfish??? I...I did so much for this family!!!!!!! You all just run and play while I and my brother had to do all the killing!!!!!! Do you even know how many spies came to kill all of you every night???!!!"

"Don\'t use that as an excuse. The people you killed every seven days, your sins won\'t make up for the scar you left behind on all of those dead\'s loved ones."

Leona left there stomping on the green grass so hard that her trail still remained. Kyrana broke down at that lake. And the only solution to all was for her to ask for help from...

"Poor Kyrana, now you know how it feels to be abandoned, right?"


The first princess was standing there at the white tall pillar on the right side of Kyrana.

"From three hundred of our siblings to one you think saying you would save all of us now would erase all of that??"

"It\'s none of your business." Kyrana carried Athena in her arm walking past princess Lyria who was chilling crossing her arm with her lip grinning from ear to ear.

"I\'m the only one who could help you...I can help you to be the empress."

"What\'re you trying to say??" the wind blew past both of them, the long hair of the princesses blew wildly along with the wind. Lyria turned to Kyrana and mumbled, "Kill Adira. It\'s like hitting many birds at once."

"Didn\'t you adore my brother???"

"It\'s true that I respect that tyrant prince, and I didn\'t mean for you to \'kill\' him too, what I mean is...put the collar on him, making him powerless."

"I\'m listening."

"There is a cave on the tall mountain over there, in that cave, only the crown prince is allowed to be stepping in it. But I heard from the emperor once that there was a special thing in there that would allow you to steal magic and even make one person unable to use magic."

"..." Kyrana had a face of doubting Lyria words, therefore she asked, "How did you know all that?"

"The crown prince, prince Ember told me. He was traumatized by the thing he saw in that cave, don\'t you see how different he is today? The emperor ordered the crown prince to enter that cave. It was a tradition for every emperor to carve their name in that cave.

"Making Adira powerless...???" Kyrana frowned overthinking about the situation when she kept something a little bit off from Lycia.

"You can control him too when he becomes the emperor. Isn\'t that quite convenient??"

"Alright, I\'ll do that."

"Good, I wish you luck. The way to the cave will be tough so let me take care of the princess." Kyrana quickly stepped away from Lyria glaring the corner of her eyes at princess Lyria who was standing there frozen while trying to get the unconscious Athena.

"I\'ll go to that cave. Thanks." she left hurriedly avoiding all the guards walking to the torture room. Right after Kyrana left, just a few seconds, a man emerged from behind the building walking to Lyria with the crumbled letter inside his right hand.

"She betrays me!!!!!" his vein appeared on his forehead as he glared at the princess who was running like she was chased by someone.

"We have our deal now. You must guarantee my life after you sit on the throne."

"Thanks a lot...princess Lyria." he talked coldly without even looking at Lyria. He walked away just like that without knowing which devil he just disrespected.

The whole palace was like Lyria\'s chessboard, sometimes, a queen in order to win didn\'t have to move and just wait for the pawn to do all the works for her while she remained still in one place watching the interesting thing happening before her eyes.

Lyria laughed out loud holding her stomach then throw the flower Adira gave to her into the water of the lake.

"I wait for so the day has come when the bloodbath will happen. Now that both of you killed all of the old siblings, killing the little ones will be easy, and then I\'ll kill both of you..."

Leona hid behind the wall on the other side of the building in front of the lake witnessing all the things unfold before her eyes. She was going to return to take a look at Kyrana one last time but ended up eavesdropping on the whole conversation, even Lyria\'s psychic laugh.

Cold sweat went down her neck, she ran following prince Adira from behind. When she noticed prince Adira was walking sneakily behind Kyrana, she was scared.

The same thing will happen again, even the bottom of her heart wanted Kyrana to suffer from her sin, but she wasn\'t able to turn a blind eye to a young sibling who is in a dangerous situation.

Kyrana without knowing two people were following from behind unlocked the torture room with the key and entered it with princess Athena in her arm, but a few minutes later, she exits alone without princess Athena.

Leona who hid behind the green bush was shaking when the killing intent from prince Adira was quite overwhelming even for her. Her swordsmanship won\'t stand a chance again that monster prince. She couldn\'t do anything but keep looking at how that prince crumbled the rock inside his hand to little dust.

After Kyrana left for a while, the prince didn\'t wait a second gritting his teeth kicking the door broken with all his strength. The door fell down on the rocky floor of that room, even Leona didn\'t expect such a terrible thing was inside that room.

She could only run to the front of the room and stuck out her head looking at the interior and the prince with the corner of her eyes.

"She betrays me!!!! How could she??!?!!! Making me powerless???!!!! She...she..." that prince threw all the organized stuff on the wooden table all over the floor, a knife made a deep cut on his palm, the blood dripping on the floor, even then, he didn\'t stop destroying all of the things inside that room.

Leona let out a gasp witnessing that right in front of her, she really respected Kyrana who could stay alive and sane even when she was that monster prince\'s little sister with the same mother and father.

"Where??!!!! First, you hid a spy from me!!! Now a princess!!!??? I\'ll kill that princess!!!!! I\'ll kill everyone you love!!!!!!!!!"

To be continued....!

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