Chapter 217

Now that the adrenaline of the success was gone Sasha began to feel the lack of sleep and realized that she didn′t remember exactly how long she had been in her laboratory without sleep.

Without needing an answer, Desmond brought a cup of tea for Sasha and sat next to her, enjoying the hot drink and feeling the invigorating effects of it, the couple took their time to chat about their day.

Sasha talked about her experimentation process with the new explosive device, as well as some TV series she had seen recently.

Desmond on the other hand told Sasha about his little hunting trip, his fight against the panthers, his investigation in the forest, and his subsequent abduction by the horny harpy Athena.

Hearing his story Sasha didn’t know whether to laugh or cry because of Desmond’s bad luck today, but thinking about it a second time Sasha thought that Desmond had been very lucky because not only did he save the life of an innocent little girl and He completed his mission, but had discovered very important information from the harpy.

Not to mention that any man who had the kind of interaction Desmond had with the harpy had to consider himself lucky or be struck by lightning.

Perhaps infatuated by what Desmond told her about his interaction with the harpy, Sasha set her cup of tea on the table and pushed Desmond onto the couch by riding on top of him, then without any warning, Sasha began to kiss Desmond.

Of course, Desmond didn’t resist at all, as exhausted as he was someone would have to kill him first so that he wouldn’t respond to Sasha’s advances.


Perhaps because they were both quite tired deep down, the kisses weren’t necessarily passionate or intense, on the contrary, they were slow, calm, and loving. Instead of being two people seeking to satisfy their lust, they were two people sharing their love little by little, each kiss gave them a taste of what the other person felt and their lips continued this quiet exchange for quite some time.

Having to separate to catch their breath they both looked into each other’s eyes, there were so many emotions burning softly inside them and words weren’t enough to tell the other person how much they loved each other ... but that didn’t stop them from trying.

“I love you,” Desmond said as he ran his hand through Sasha’s silky vermilion hair, feeling her softness and the high temperature emanating from her horns.

“I love you too Desmond” Sasha replied with one hand caressing the muscular contours on Desmond’s now bare abdomen.

As much as she hated to admit it due to her shy nature, Sasha found Desmond’s body so attractive that she found it difficult to contain herself once this kind of intimacy began.

This shouldn’t be a problem, but she wasn’t ready to take the last step and she feared that if she neglected, she would one day end up losing her virginity in the heat of the moment.

Desmond on the other hand did not think so much about it, he knew very well how far he could go with Sasha and he enjoyed all the way to that limit without thinking about anything else, hence his hands were already squeezing Sasha’s soft butt.

For Desmond, Sasha’s entire body was attractive, but the part he liked to put his hands on the most was her butt, it was so soft that his hands sank into it with the slightest effort and Desmond wondered if Sasha’s breasts would be even softer ... but he knew that putting his hands there was a red flag for Sasha that would make the girl back away so he held back his desire.

Normally this was the part where things escalated, but for this couple, it would be the opposite, at least tonight, Desmond withdrew his hands from Sasha and she brought her chest closer to Desmond’s chest, laying quietly on him as they continued to kiss gently.

Their lips parted again, Sasha adjusted her posture a little so that her face now rested on Desmond’s chest and she planted a couple more kisses on Desmond’s body before laying down fully.

“It bothers you?” Sasha said.

To which Desmond responded somewhat puzzled: “What thing?”

“We don’t have sex ... you can do it with Claire whenever you want, but I always reject you” She explained.

Desmond felt a slight headache after hearing what Sasha had to say, this was the disadvantage of dating two women at the same time; jealousy, though Desmond wasn’t entirely sure if it was the jealousy that was bothering Sasha or it was just her insecurity.

In the end, Desmond smiled to himself for a moment before responding tenderly: “Don’t be silly, you have talked to Claire, you know that if it were about sex you wouldn’t be sleeping under our roof; I love you and that’s all that should matter now. ”

Even without seeing her, Desmond could feel Sasha’s slight sigh of relief tickling his chest and he heard Sasha say, “Can we stay like this a little longer?”

“Of course we can,” Desmond replied.

Desmond hugged Sasha’s body and continued stroking her hair until her breathing became thin, seeing the girl asleep on his chest Desmond smiled and said with irony: “It seems that today I will sleep on the sofa”

Minutes later when Desmond fell asleep, Claire who had been watching this whole scene from the hallway smiled bitterly, went to her room to get a couple of blankets, and returned to the living room to cover the couple sleeping on the sofa.

While she was doing it, she couldn’t help but remember something her mother used to say: “To love is to share.”

Her mother probably didn’t mean it to say share the person you love, but Claire thought it was quite appropriate, with a smile she kissed Desmond’s cheek and after thinking about it a second, she kissed also Sasha’s cheek wishing them both good night.

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