Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 123 - 33 - The Countermeasures (part 3)

"It\'s been... a bit disheartening, but thanks to prince Surou\'s kindness I somehow managed to push through... I...! I mean..!"

Burushitto bit his tongue, but she was too late.

|I\'m such an idiot! Why am I mentioning another man in front of a yandere capture target!? Do I actually have a deathwish?!|

The blond girl scolded herself.

"Personally, I would say that lord Reo would be able to lift your mood a little better but... It is good to hear that you have someone like the second prince to support you. I\'ve heard about the bullying and it made me worry that this state of things may be too hard on you - but I couldn\'t help because of my master."

|Because I care more about her than I could ever care about you... my apologies...|

Zoemi tried very hard to act like he was regretting his lack of reaction to all the wrongdoings that happened to the heroine in recent days as more and more people seemed to think that messing with the blond girl was their mandatory activity for each day...

|Wait...! He is compassionate in the end!? But that means that his route is progressing smoothly! Maybe Surou IS an important factor in his route...! But then when do I stop so that I won\'t actually finish it and stay on Surou\'s route...?|

Burushito flinched and faked fidgeting so that she could look down so that the black-haired boy wouldn\'t see her face as she was furrowing her brows trying to figure out the best way out of her current situation.

|...when in doubt I should flatter his master, right? Unless he hates her – which I kind of doubt – that should be the best ways to make him stay neutral... yes... let\'s make him stick with Slutiette and assure my survival...!|

"Sir Zoemi, you don\'t have to feel bad about it, you\'re an attendant, of course, you should put your master first over someone like me!"

The heroine straightened her back and declared after picking her option while keeping a respectful distance from the scarred attendant.

|Oh? Maybe she isn\'t so bad in the end...|

Zoemi raised his brows for the first time thinking that the heroine might not be so bad in the end if she at least was able to consider his position.

"Thank you for understanding – as long as it will not harm my master or her opinion, I will try to help you out to the best of my ability."

The black-haired boy managed to say and he wasn\'t even forced to lie this time.

It was the truth, if his master\'s happiness was secured and her well-being set in stone, Zoemi might have decided to help the heroine in that twisting script since she didn\'t seem to try to consciously mess up with the dark-haired villainess.

Only if Miriette was safe – that is.

"Thank you...!"

Burushiitto gasped and bowed her head to the black-haired boy, genuinely relieved – not because of the promise itself, but rather because it sounded like the scarred attendant didn\'t have any thoughts suggesting leaving his master – which for the heroine meant that his yandere mode hadn\'t been triggered with her as the target.



The blond girl seemed to suddenly realize something because she went quiet with a concerned expression making Zoemi furrow his brows and look at her in concern – the heroine showing the signs of actual intelligence and thinking things through was never portrayed in the game so it was the first thing for him.

"...Sir Zoemi... what if there is something that might concern your master that might require your attention...?"


Burushiitto asked cautiously – which made the black-haired boy immediately straighten his back and focus only on her.

|That was all that I had to do...?! She will tell me about Surou\'s plan just like that?!|

Zoemi gasped internally, clenching his fists to stop himself from rushing the girl since that could have the reverse effect and cause her to run away.


The blond-haired girl carefully looked around making sure that no one is trying to eavesdrop on their conversation and leaned forward conspicuously, which the black-haired attendant immediately mirrored.

"The second prince didn\'t share the details with me, but he seemed to have a plan that would help me out – but there\'s something wrong about it..."

Burushiitto whispered cautiously, making the black-haired attendant furrow his brows.

...she certainly didn\'t sound like the bland heroine that he knew from the game...

"My prince keeps talking about some powerful helper advising him on how to do with the situation – which should definitely not be the case...!"

The heroine declared, looking Zoemi in the eyes.

"The problem is that no matter what I say, my prince seems to be convinced that your master is the one responsible for my bullying..."


She revealed what instantly caused the black-haired boy to call out in anger.

"I know that – but that mysterious helper, who I tried to catch but never actually managed to even see, is feeding my prince some false information and putting strange ideas into his head... I am not one hundred percent sure yet but from what I could figure out..."

Burushiittoraised her hand to calm the boy down and continued talking until she looked around once more to assure that no one is listening to them...

"...with that mysterious helper\'s advice, my prince has already made preparation to block your master\'s magic power...!"


At her words, Zoemi froze with his eyes wide open from shock.

The black-haired boy could feel the cold sweat drenching his back...


He uttered.

"You don\'t mean... The bracelets...?"

Zoemi gulped down his saliva and asked in a low voice.


Burushitto leaned back to check the surroundings if no one is eavesdropping for the third time and then - with a serious expression - she nodded.

|No...! No, no, no, no...! It\'s seriously happening all too fast...|

The worst-case scenario was playing out right in front of the black-haired attendant and was making him panic.

The last scripted event for the Surou route mixed together with the switching route events!

In the game, Miriette would lose control and verbally abuse and then even slap the heroine in the presence of the second prince and some of the teachers.

She would get suspended and confined to her room for a week but the agitated second prince would go a step further and get the spellcasting-blocking bracelets from the kingdom\'s treasury and seal of Miriette\'s powers.

The villainess would end up unable to see or even contact the first prince in any way and her mind would weaken...

Depending on the player\'s previous choices that situation could follow two different routes.

Good ending for the heroine - Miriette\'s wrongdoings to the heroine are brought up to the light and the weakened villainess has a mental breakdown. Her engagement is canceled and she is sent to a monastery to live out her life behind its walls.

Or the bad ending for the heroine - the second prince Surou would lose to his inferiority complex and would attempt to assassinate his brother, Miriette after experiencing a week being unable to use her magic, instead of casting a protective spell would throw herself in front of her beloved prince to protect him and dies skewered by the water spear...

"It\'s already the end game for Surou!? How is that even possible?!|

Zoemi couldn\'t understand how could that happen.

|What about all the side events!? They can just be omitted like that!?|

"Sir Zoemi...? Sir Zoemi...!"

The heroine was trying to get his attention but the black-haired youth ignored her completely.

He had already made some preparation, but his counter-plan was still in the baby stages – it was all a countermeasure for the very last event after all!

The last events are supposed to happen at the end of the school year!

"Sir Zoemi, we should get back to the classroom now, the lecture is about to start..."

Burushitto pulled Zoemi\'s hand.

"R-right... The lecture..."

Zoemi was in a daze.

"We must return to the classroom, please watch over your master."

Burushiitto declared squeezing his hand once before releasing it and walking back into the classroom.

"...damn it..."

No matter if he was ready or not, he entered the last stretch for the Surou route.

There was something that he could do, and if his barely sprouting plan would work, most of the future bad endings wouldn\'t be a problem for his master anymore...!

But that would be a thing only if he would make sure to assure Mireitte\'s safety in the coming days!


Zoemi clenched his fists and his eyes dimmed and lost any sign of life because of his resolve.

He must return to his master\'s side to interfere with the event.

|I must keep Miriette in my sight, at any cost!|

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